Saturday, August 29, 2009

Emasculating the dog

My dog Ramsey is a little over a year old and a true ratbag.  Daughter number 2 who is with me at least every second weekend has been harping for months now about the need to get him desexed.  Now he doesn't have a predilection to hump legs of tables or persons, he is not overly agressive and whilst I understand that it is a recommended course of action I'm a bloke.  And blokes struggle with the thought of having their balls chopped off.

Today daughter number two decided to tr and appeal to my medical knowledge by telling me that if his was deknackered he would not get testicular cancer, to which I replied "Why don't we chop off his head then.  That way he won't get a brain tumour."

Now any bloke who has seen someone else hit in the nuts at any time knows that it is the one thing that makes all of us squirm.  It is deeply programmed into mankind and most likely dates back to the time when our first shrew like ancestor fell onto a tree branch and straddled it painfully.  It's something that we tend to want to avoid at all costs.  I'm not saying he won't be done at some stage in the future but right now with a 16 year old telling me that his nuts are gross and he'd be better off without them, I am manfully resisting the call.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Blogger Feed on Facebook

A few days ago I briefly set up a burner feed of this blog back to my facebook page, but only left it up for around 15 minutes.  I chickened out in other words.   Blogging has been a refuge for me for a long time.  A place where I can reveal parts of me that I wouldn't dream of talking about in the real world.  Sure there have been people who know me reading it on occasions with the associated grief that brought at the time, but for the most part this communication has been with people who began as strangers but who I have come to regard as more than that as we have interacted.

Facebook though is full of people who know me personally - there are friends and family, current and ex work colleagues, business associates, old school buddies, a conglomerate of every type of person I have met throughout my life, and after I posted the feed I asked myself if I was ready for each and every one of them to have access to what is really a mirror into my soul.  The answer was not really.

I am not ashamed of anything I have written because I know that blog posts are snapshots of an instant in time.  Truth for the moment and in the context of the moment.   But there are also people who don't understand that and some who will take things out of context and use them against me.  That sounds a bit paranoid but I have had it happen before so I don't have a lot of faith that it couldn't happen again.

So I'm asking you as blogging buddies - do you publish your feed on Facebook?   Am I being a chicken or are my concerns legitimate?