Saturday, October 31, 2009

Ripped Off

Late one afternoon last week I had left a meeting and was walking down Collins Street when near the corner of Exhibition Street I was approached by a young lady.

"Excuse me?" she said.  "This is really embarassing but I've been asking a lot of people for help and no one will."

She was well dressed and groomed and about the age og my oldest daughter so I stopped and said "OK tell me the story."

She proceeded to tell me that her car had run out of petrol and that it was left in a clearway.  For those not from Melbourne that means any cars parked in that area for certain periods of the day can be towed away and impounded.

"I've left my purse at work and don't have any money.  If you could loan me $15 so I can buy a jerry can of petrol I'll make sure I call you and arrange to pay you back tomorrow."

So I did.  I gave her my card and I wandered off wondering whether I'd been scammed or not.  Now 6 days later it appears I was.  I should have used my mobile phone to take her photo and told her I would send it to the newspaper if it did trn out to be a crock.

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