Friday, February 12, 2010

Busy Times

Again it's been way too long since I wrote but life has been very busy.  Work this year has come with new and challenging duties and one day I might be able to talk about them openly but not now.

We currently have 2 and a half kids [read young adults] living with us and another who will and that has meant that our little 3 bedroom home is way too small.  So we've spent a few weeks deciding on what to do and with the cost of extensions way too high for what we'd get we've decided to bite the bullet and build a new house with 5 bedrooms.

It was a long and often fruitless search for land and with little available where we currently live we've decided to move out to Melbourne's south east in a brand new estate that is currently a cow paddock.   Used to being surrounded by trees that is going to take a big adjustment for me but that's a compromise brought on by the size of our budget and I guess I'll get used to it.

For the first 49 years of my life I only lived in two places but since separation and divorce have moved twice with the next being maybe the penultimate one.  One day I intend to retire to the south coast of New South Wales.

Went and saw Rob Thomas Friday of last week - bonus was the encore with INXS - sensational

Mum was admitted to hospital yesterday after bleeding from the bowell for a day without telling anyone.  She will be having a colonoscopy at some time in the next couple of days so we cross our fingers.  She will be 80 later this year so any operation is a worry.

That is a very brief update just in case anyone is stil interested.  I won't promise to get back to writing regularly although I would like to.  I have started keeping a hand written journal again just to record some of the unpublishable stuff so that my kids will know a few more things when I shuffle off the old mortal coil.

Hope that all my blog buddies are still well :)

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