Wednesday, June 9, 2010


This afternoon in between baby screaming and Rosie chatting I sewed a little skirt.

Rosie got a big sister gift in the mail the other day from Tyler's aunt and uncle. It was a skirt from a local boutique. It looked so easy to replicate, so I told Rosie to pick some fabric from the fabric box. She picked Strawberry Shortcake, of course!

Aside from my sewing machine being a b*tch, this was so ridiculously simple! I'm going to get nicer (read: not tacky cartoon) fabric and make Rosie some more of them. I also want to try full dresses...that will be interesting.

(Tyler snapped this photo with his phone, excuse the quality!)

I just cut a rectangle of fabric, hemmed all the edges so it wouldn't fray, then sewed a band of elastic in the top. OMG easy! Only mistake I made--didn't prewash the fabric. Hope it doesn't shrink up funky.

Ada has been asleep since 6 o'clock this evening. I'd better go to bed in case she wakes up in the middle of the night wide awake. Must be a growth spurt? She usually doesn't go to bed quite so early or sleep like a rock.

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