Thursday, May 20, 2010


Last night the baby had her first ever period of crying for no apparent reason.

I'm sure there was a reason, but I couldn't figure out what it was. She didn't seem gassy. She would latch on and suck but then just cry. It was so sad!

I think maybe she was over tired, because she hardly napped yesterday. Rosie kept waking her up, and then she was fussy for two hours and I got her to sleep but Tyler came home from work and slammed the kitchen cabinets. That woke her right up.

At 11:00 last night she was crying and crying. I decided the best course of action would be to get naked and snuggle her in the bath. It was her first bath! (She showers with me instead.)

I put lavender essential oil in the water for good measure. Lavender is relaxing!

The sound of the water running made her stop crying. Once we got in she was in awe. Her little eyes were open so wide!

I put my hand under her head and let the rest of her float around for about 20 minutes. She loved that! I alternated with my hand under her back so her head and neck could float. She kept tipping her head as far back upside down as she could without drowning, then moving her head back and forth. I think the warm water in her hair and ears felt good.

I figure floating makes her feel like she's back in the womb, and it also gives her a chance to totally stretch out and relax so that any tense spots or misaligned body parts can slide back into the right place...

She started fidgeting after 20 minutes, so I got her out. Turns out she had to pee...

Then we went to bed. She cried at the breast for about two minutes, and then she started nursing and passed out cold in no time.

I woke up at 9:30 this morning! Ada slept from 11:30 to 9:30!

I know she stirred around and nursed a lot in her sleep because I remember thinking several times I should fully wake up and check her diaper or potty her, but I never woke up enough to carry that out and Ada never actually completely woke up.

This morning when I checked her diaper it was dry! She peed so much in the potty, haha. Rosie was impressed with the amount of pee.

Then she wanted to nurse more, and she fell back asleep!

I swear she's fatter this morning than she was yesterday...

I feel so much better after all that sleep! I'm still tired though, go figure.

I have a lot to do as usual. I know everything will be fine as long as I can find some sense of routine again. I have to change my old routine because it's too stressful to get it accomplished.

Today my goals are to go to Lowes (need to work on my stupid chicken pen some more...), fold and de-wrinkle my clean laundry, and do the dishes. We're also having an ant crisis and I need to go outside and hunt down their trail and nest so that I can use the diatomaceous earth to rid of them.

There are ants coating my kitchen counter and in my (few) dirty dishes in the sink. Yuck! Rosie spent several hours yesterday alternating between screaming and laughing while she squirted them with vinegar and water.

I also need to make a meal plan and grocery list, because grocery shopping is my goal for tomorrow...

So far going out alone with the two of them hasn't been hard, except for my poor sweet baby girl screaming her head off in the car. When I get her out she's dark purple and hoarse, it's TERRIBLE. (Rosie did the same thing as a baby.)

Rosie is usually well behaved in stores unless she just gets over excited about something. Ada hangs out in the ring sling and usually dozes off to sleep because the bright lights make her close her eyes. She really doesn't like bright light!

Ok, I need to drag myself out of bed and start my day...hard to do when you've got a sweet smelling fat baby snuggled next to you....

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