Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Three Weeks.

The baby is 3 weeks old today! I can't believe it's already been three weeks. Time is going by so quickly. She's already so much bigger, when I look back at her newborn pictures.

Look how not fat her face was.

She's been asleep in my arms for the past few hours. Nothing better than a snuggly sleepy baby!

I have to put a (cloth) wipe between her head and my arm. Kid has a sweaty head. She's always hot, just like her big sister.

I love staring down at her chubby sleeping face.

Since we went grocery shopping the other day, I now have ingredients for several meals of real food.


Oh how I have missed thee.

I decided to make shepherd's pie for lunch today. I didn't have a real recipe for it, just an idea of how it should be.

It came out ok, though not like I intended.

I browned a pound of ground beef and sauteed a finely chopped white onion in my big cast iron skillet. Then I added some organic beef broth...a little more than 2 cups of it. I threw in some frozen peas with diced carrots and let it simmer for a little while. Next I added several big handfuls of wheat flour slowly, and mixed that in until it turned to gravy. (You could use arrow root if you don't eat gluten, and it will taste the same.) I seasoned it with salt and pepper for good measure.

I made some mashed potatoes to go on top. I used 5 big potatoes, but for some reason it didn't make nearly enough! Next time I'll use 8. I put whole milk with cream, a chunk of butter, and some basil and oregano into the potatoes. Plus generous amounts of salt and pepper.

The beef mixture goes on the bottom of the casserole dish, then the potatoes are spread on top. I baked it at 350 because that seemed like a good temperature, covered with foil to keep the potatoes from burning. After about 45 minutes I took off the foil and let it bake for another 15 minute or so to get the potatoes browned.

It came out with a lot of gravy. Way too much gravy, actually. So it was more like beef stew.

However, it tasted good and we ate it on sourdough toast to soak up the gravy. So that worked out fine.

I actually liked it better than regular shepherd's pie. I might make it with too much gravy again on purpose.

Oh and Tyler actually ate it and claimed he liked it. Go figure.

Cooking a little real food was my big accomplishment for today. It took a lot of baby crying, baby juggling, and sweat.

I just woke up from an accidental nap on the couch--I fell asleep sitting up. I'm not sure my head will ever be on straight again.

I also might have drooled on the baby. Maybe. Shh.

She didn't seem bothered much. She's still sleeping away!

Rosie is happily playing games on Nick Jr. and PBS Kids online. I wonder how long this miracle of silence will last.

I want to go somewhere and do something, like buy my poor starved lizard some crickets and a new heat light. Or fix up my two aquariums before everything goes belly up. Or plant my garden!

But...I'm still sitting here on the couch in a stained white under shirt of Tyler's that smells like breastmilk. I haven't put on any make-up.

And yikes--I haven't even brushed my teeth! I am going to do soon as this baby wakes up. Dirty teeth...gross!

I didn't anticipate this much sitting around on this uncomfortable couch in the postpartum period. I feel like I'm being lazy.

Why is it so hard to get up and do stuff? It's just a baby, a sweet lump of needy baby goodness. My body is mostly healed--I just have a little bit of annoying stop-and-start light bleeding left.

Here I sit. Staring at toys all over my floor and thinking about the dishes I have to do at some point today. It's already 4:30 though, so "some point today" is quickly running out.

Two loads of laundry to fold, diapers that need to be washed in the washing machine. (They're soaking.)

Gardening and chicken chores that really need to be done. And oh my goodness the scary litter box...HELP!

Who wants to come snuggle my fat baby while I do all those things real quick?

You know, really...I could just sit here and sniff the top of her head getting high on baby scent and never move.

That sounds like a pretty good idea.

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