Friday, May 7, 2010


The tea parties in our house continue.

I've eaten so much wooden food, I'm going to be pooping mulch for weeks. My poor bum hole.

Rosie is still basking in the big sister glow.

Baby Ada loves the ring sling. Thank God. I was able to reclaim the kitchen sink today.

Tyler had been in charge of it for the past two weeks and it was nasty.

Really nasty.

Like...old food, standing water, mold, and dead bugs nasty.

In my kitchen.

Where I eat.


Ew, ew, ew.

It's all good now.

(By the way, that Green Works soap is actually not green...or all natural. It's chemical scented and has the same ingredients as regular soap! Tyler bought it to try, and it's gross. It smells terrible. The 7th generation soap is way better.)

Rosie always hated the ring sling as a baby. She much preferred the Moby wrap.

Well go figure, Ada hates the Moby and loves the ring sling. As long as she's happy...

Since I was able to get the sink back to sparkling white. I feel SO much better. Nothing is right when the sink is gross, the laundry is piled up, and the floors are dirty.

Tomorrow I just have to fold one load of clean laundry and vacuum...the vacuuming is a desperate situation similar to the sink. Yikes.

I'm so tired today. The baby woke up a million times last night. She kept peeing and pooping!

I seriously slept less than two hours total.

This morning my eyeballs felt like they were melting into my skull. I wish I could nap...the baby certainly naps plenty.

Oh well. I still feel so happy, even while dying from exhaustion. I still can't explain it.

I do wish I had someone to help me do stuff, but...

Tyler tries to help, he's just...well the dishes are a good example. He tries, I think, but it's like he does the most half-assed job possible. And what's worse, he doesn't seem to realize it.

I mean I appreciate his effort, but I can't figure out...I can't figure out a lot of things.

I've been asking him to let my chickens out in the mornings, but he can't seem to take them food and water unless I say specifically to give them both.


I've been assuming he was feeding and watering, and he hasn't. It was like 85 degrees today when I went out and the poor things were parched!

He hasn't been making sure the dogs have water outside either, so they have been drinking the very smelly duck pool water. (I need to clean it out BADLY.) This gives the dogs diarrhea and farts that reek like smelly fermented duck shit. It's so terrible.

I really have to get back to doing all of these things myself, poor creatures. I swear I normally take great care of all of them. It's my morning routine and I honestly enjoy doing it.

Being exhausted and penned down by the baby is a bit frustrating when I suddenly realize all of the things that aren't getting done, which is why I'm glad Ada loves the ring sling. She's going to be spending a lot of time in it!

I don't mean to talk bad about Tyler, because I know he tries. I'm just frustrated at not being able to get everything done myself.

Speaking of getting things done, I have to go lock up my chickens, get the girls to bed, and candle some eggs a hen abandoned...Tyler couldn't remember how long she'd been sitting on them...maybe I'll have to incubate them! Shhh.

Before I do that...despite housework and chore frustrations I'm still basking in baby goodness.

And in my lap right this second...passed out and ready for bed.

May we both sleep better tonight!

I'll leave you with this quote I just read. I want to save it, and here is a great place to do so.

"What keeps our faith cheerful is everywhere in daily life, a sign that faith rules through ordinary things: through cooking and small talk, through storytelling, making love, fishing, tending animals and sweet corn and flowers, through sports, music, and books, raising kids ­up; all the places where the gravy soaks in and grace shines through. Even in a time of elephantine vanity and greed, one never has to look far to see the campfires of gentle people."

-- Garrison Keillor

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