Friday, May 28, 2010

Captain Angry Pants.

This morning has been a fail, of sorts.

Ada woke up an hour earlier than usual and I guess that pissed her off because she spent almost the entire morning fidgeting, fussing, and crying. Crying in my arms, over my shoulder, at the breast, laying on the couch, laying on the bed, and in her bouncy seat.

She fell asleep in the ring sling, then she peed on us both and woke up and screamed. That's the first time she's ever peed in the sling. She's all out of sorts today.

She just now fell asleep in my lap, meaning I am trapped...but that's alright as long as she isn't screaming. I'm just going to pretend I don't see my messy house.

Crap, Rosie just woke her up by banging a princess figurine on the floor making it walk. I give up. On everything.

I haven't let the dogs out of their crates yet today and it's 1:15. I haven't let the chickens out and fed them, or let the ducks out. I've done no chores at all--I need to do laundry and clean the bathroom and vacuum today or I will totally lose my mind. Dirty house makes me want to crawl out of my skin.

Rosie is begging me to play with her. Earlier she cried for half an hour because I wouldn't play tea party in her (destroyed) room. I feel like the worst mom ever, but I just have no reserves left. Tea party is more than I can handle at the moment.

This is what my living room looks like right this second:

It's a toy explosion. The box is from the tiller we got the other day. Rosie has incorporated the box into her living room play area, and it's staying there until trash day on...wait Monday is a holiday. Ok it's staying until whenever the make up trash day is. Probably Wednesday.

We ran out of cat food and the cats are destroying the house, stalking everything looking for something to eat. I was supposed to go buy more today but...yeah. That's not happening at the moment. I would rather let them starve and crawl back in bed. Hopefully tonight when Tyler gets home...the store that sells their food is all the way down a busy road and the road has 400 stop lights. I do not feel like fighting traffic and stopping every 100 feet while Ada screams herself hoarse in the car and Rosie asks me thirty million questions.

Last night we dropped Rosie off at my parents' house and went to a wedding. The wedding was at a vineyard.

Ada was so happy to be out of the house. I think she's going to be an extrovert like Rosie. This is difficult for me because I am very introverted. Rosie is not happy unless she has plenty of interaction with others. I would rather sit in a hole and read a book for hours.

Anyway, Ada was very happy to look at all of the people and be in a different place. Part of the reason she cries so much at home is because she is bored, I'm fairly certain. She's happy if I'm walking around constantly and holding her so that she can see, or if we're out somewhere doing something she's very content. (Except in the car, she's a car screamer which makes it torture to actually get out to do something.) We have spent hours lately walking up and down the street, which also makes Rosie happy.

Ada also enjoys our backyard, which is good because so do Rosie and I! She will fall asleep while being worn out there, or she'll actually sit in her bouncy seat in the shade for like 15 minutes at a time. Amazing.

Yesterday I was able to leave her in the bouncy seat on the back porch, shaded by the house, while I hacked down all of the overgrown branches in my garden area. It's taking me a week to get the garden ready to plant. I'm finally able to do it now that it stopped raining for a few days and my body is mostly healed. All I have left to do is till up one small corner, rake out the debris, and then PLANT. Aaah.

I wish I'd taken a before picture. Here is a picture of all the chopped down branches...

I gathered up all of the branches and re-purposed them as chicken entertainment.

(Oh the baby just drifted back to sleep. YAY!)

As if I don't already have enough to do, I have saved a few more than a dozen duck eggs because...

Clearly these two need to have babies, right?

They will be so so so cute. Baby ducks will make everything better on a bad day. I just have to dig out the incubator and be sure it still works...

Don't tell my husband.

Aside from frustrations with a messy house, insane cats, attention deprived preschooler, and lack of sleep...happy moments still shine through the majority of the time.

Ada is starting to smile more. Her face is so ridiculously fat!!

This morning I plopped her screaming self down on the couch with the ring sling and told her that I give up trying to make her stop crying.

Then she grinned at me. Fat baby grins...what could be better on a frustrating, rainy morning?

The camera was on the couch next to her so I snapped a picture of the tail end of her grin.

These pictures are all from yesterday...

She has heat rash all over her face from being hot outside, even though she was in the shade most of the time.

It was 90 degrees yesterday!

Yesterday after I finished getting all of that brush out of the garden:

Rosie looks so...something!? Old? I don't know what it is exactly.

Her eyes are so bold in this picture, but I didn't do anything to them. I just quickly made it in black and white while the baby screamed at me this morning.

See poor Baby Ada's screamy face? This is why I have renamed her Captain Angry Pants...

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