Monday, May 24, 2010

Fowl At Large: Anonymous Chicken Hater Strikes Again..

I can't believe the county building inspector (the code enforcer guy) was at my house today.

Seriously, I want to know who this anonymous chicken hater is and why they feel the need to keep filing these complaints.

I don't know exactly what the complaint was since I didn't answer the door, but the enforcer left a copy of the city ordinance about fowl running at large in my door along with his card. It's probably the same false complaints about my rooster chasing small children or something.

The business card said to call, so Tyler called and left a voicemail.

The enforcer guy who came was the asshat one. The one who told me to have my husband call him, the one who thought my ducks were swans and told me they weren't allowed.


That's why I couldn't answer the door. I did not want to deal with Asshat today, with my angry baby and non-stop talking three year old.

The best part is they have written on our file to call Tyler if there is a complaint before stepping onto our property. Obviously they didn't bother calling him first.

If they come back again I plan on answering the door and informing them that legally they aren't allowed on my property without a search warrant, and if they don't leave I will call the police. (Thanks to an online lawyer friend for that information!)

Oh I would love to see the look on Asshat's face when I tell him that.

I was nice to them the first 340 times they visited me last year, but I have had enough. I've got better things to do, like enjoy my new baby and my Rosie.

He'll probably call Tyler back tomorrow, responding to his message. I wonder what he'll have to say.

If the complaint is that my fowl are going at large and leaving my yard, well...I don't know what else I can possibly do to keep my invisible escaping chickens inside my yard. Those invisible birds are tricky, tricky, tricky.

This is my chicken set-up. The green fencing needs to be taken down, and I'm going to plant flowers around the outside edges of the chicken pens. I'd really like to line it with lavender, but it takes several years to grow the plants nice and large.

From directly behind the yellow coop over to the back of the brown coop, that's the only space where anyone can see into my yard at all. Those neighbors are the ones who also own a farm and give me chicken advice.

To the right of the picture is the back of my big garage and a thick line of trees. To the left of the picture is the back of the neighbors big garage and an overgrown rotting wood pile of theirs. Behind you is Rosie's swing set and then the fence line, which is lined with large trees. Neighbors at the corners on both sides have privacy fences.

This is an up close of the brown coop...both chicken runs have tarps over the top to prevent any escape, but mostly they are there to keep hawks out.

The only fowl loose in my yard (which is allowed, because it's MY yard) are the two ducks. They can't fly. Pekins are bred for meat and don't have the ability to fly anywhere because they're too heavy. They can barely hop up on something a foot high.

The birds need fresh straw down on the ground in there because the mud has been so terrible, it sucked up the straw! But they don't stink or anything...

So there is your photographic evidence of my fowl going at large.


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