Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Because the FDA says so!

This new piece of work put out by the FDA on the subject of raw milk is extremely concerning. It's not just raw milk, but what the raw milk represents--which is freedom of choice when it comes to your food.

"Plaintiffs' assertion of a 'fundamental right to their own bodily and physical health, which includes what foods they do and do not choose to consume for themselves and their families' is similarly unavailing because plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to obtain any food they wish." [p.26]

And I suppose it's true--the government does not give us the right to consume any food we wish. We can't purchase raw milk in this state because it's illegal. Now the FDA is working to stop the sale of raw milk on a national level, even in states where it is currently legal.

They are also working in sneaky ways to undermine the sale of small farm produce, and to over regulate alternative health choices like homeopathics and herbs. It's not just a crazy conspiracy theory, it's actual legislation you can read about that if passed will have real consequences.

Supposedly it's all tied to big businesses that the government supports, commonly referred to as Big Dairy and Big Pharma. And again it sounds like some stupid conspiracy theory, but there's a real money trail to follow that leads straight to the top. It's not just something some crazy people dreamed up and started spreading rumors about on the internet.

It's concerning, isn't it? I don't understand why or how the government would need to take control of two private people making a private contract for the sale of milk, or the sale of anything for that matter. Apparently the FDA says on page 27 of that paper that Americans do not have a fundamental right to enter into private contractual agreements with one another.

One section of the paper is titled: There is No Right to Consume or Feed Children Any Particular Food. Another section is titled: There is No Generalized Right to Bodily or Physical Health.

Here is an article written about it, because the actual paper is kind of a lot to read through.

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